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Unique Beauty 品牌故事 

Luxurious Sustainable Beauty from Denmark


A Unique story of Holistic Beauty


“We believe it is our duty as a cosmetic company to think further than just focusing on the content of organic in our products. We need to take it further and look at it from a holistic point of view that incorporates transportation of ingredients, the production process, packaging and use of energy source”

Unique Beauty is a Danish company offering certified organic hair and bodycare of paramount exclusivity and quality. Based on the simple philosophy and all-embracing principles of profound sustainability and natural beauty science, Unique Beauty enables advanced beauty and environmental friendliness to join forces.


來自丹麥的Unique Beauty,生產出多款卓越獨特的頭髮及身體護理產品,其產品均獲有機認證。

Unique Beauty以簡約哲學為本,致力推動全方位長遠可持續發展的天然美容科技,成功研發出優越並能保護環境的美容產品,兩者互惠互利、相得益彰。

Journey to Unique Beauty

Unique Beauty 的軌跡

It all started years ago, when Jørgen and Hanne wanted to start a meaningful business focused on ecology, sustainability and fair trade principles. Unique Products saw the light of the day and after years of hard work the company has now developed a large range of environmentally sound cosmetic products that are all being manufactured locally in the small Danish town of Fredericia, where the lush green landscape and rolling hills underline the key points of the small business: sustainability, fair trade, locally sourcing and ecology. 

二十年前,Hanne 與 Jorge 這對戀人為守護他們熱愛的大自然,攜手研發可持續發展、公平貿易、本地採購及保護生態的個人美容產品。

UNIQUE總部位於丹麥南部Fredericia 近郊,在這翠意盎然的小鎮,有著獨特豐富的有機植物,UNIQUE自設廠房生產,採用當地最純淨的原材料,製造獨一無二的有機產品。高品質的產品,自然得到消費者的垂青,目前銷售足跡遍佈全球20個國家。其以獨特的丹麥有機乳清蛋白加上有機花萃精製而成的頭髮產品大受歡迎,銷售點遍佈歐洲,在各大有機個人護理商店及百貨公司,都能在當眼處輕易找到UNIQUE的產品。

Sustainability・Certified organic・

Cruelty free・Fair trade ingredients・

100% Wind energy production




With their devotion to the use of local ingredients, Jørgen and Hanne were thrilled when they discovered the amazing qualities of organic whey, which contains a rich source of proteins, vitamins, minerals and lipids, that all have a fantastic effect on skin and hair.Denmark produces a huge amount of organic cheese, and for every kilo of cheese produced you are left with 9 kilos of whey. One of Unique Products most groundbreaking accomplishments has been the development of an ingenious method where a large amount of the water normally used in cosmetic products, are replaced with organic whey. The result is a higher degree of ecology and much more effective products.

Jørgen和Hanne一直熱心使用丹麥本土原材料,當他們發現有機乳清的優良品質,頓時驚為天人。有機乳清含有豐富的蛋白質,維生素,礦物質和脂質,這些成份對皮膚和頭髮都有極佳的功效。丹麥當地盛產有機芝士,而每生產1公斤芝士,就會同時衍生出9公斤乳清。Unique Beauty其中一個最具開創性的成就,就是運用精妙方法,將化妝品中普遍使用的水份,以有機乳清代替,從而生產出功效更佳、亦更能保持生態平衡的產品。

Immerse in the unpolluted nature of Denmark

吸入丹麥零污染大自然    散發天然芳香


Following in the footsteps of the ancient Vikings, Jørgen and Hanne spent a considerable amount of time researching the beauty habits of Danish women in the old days. ‘The plants we use are all ancient herbs of beauty from the Danish flora such as dandelion, elderflower, birch and heather, and of course they are all organic’ says Hanne. Our business and all our products have been certified by Ecocert, which is the world’s largest organisation dealing with cosmetics certification’.

承傳維京人智慧,Jørgen和Hanne付出大量時間心力,深入研究丹麥婦女的傳統美容心得,研發丹麥本土植物的療效。「我們產品所使用的植物,如蒲公英,接骨木花,樺樹和石楠花等,全都是從古代已應用於草本美容的丹麥本地花卉。而且當然,這些全是有機種植的。」Hanne說。Unique Beauty所有出品均獲得世界上最具規模的有機認證機構——ECOCERT的有機認證。

"Created with Love, Passion & Ethnics.

Please Use With Joy."




In line with the principles of sustainability; we only use wind power in our production; we always prioritize locally sourced and renewable ingredients from the Danish and Nordic flora; and we only use fair trade aloe vera.

以維持可持續發展為原則,Unique Beauty 使用100%風力發電,優先使用本地及來自丹麥及北歐花卉的可再生原材料,並用公平貿易的蘆薈,實踐永續再生的理念。

International Acclaim

優質產品 屢獲殊榮



The Best of Cosmoprof Green Prize for“Best Environmental Engagement through Eco Production Practices”

榮獲蜚聲業界的the Best of Cosmoprof Green Prize for“Best Environmental Engagement through Eco Production 


2019 Feb


 Aftonbladet Beauty Oscar— 

 2019 Best organic fragrance of the year   

(Perfume by Unique Beauty:  Hygge)

 榮獲瑞典歷史悠久的著名雜誌Aftonbladet 舉辦的年度   

美容界奧斯卡 Beauty Oscar  ——2019年度最佳有機香水

(Unique 有機香水Hygge幸福密碼)

2019 Sep

Natural & Organic Asia NOA Best Beauty Product

(Perfume by Unique Beauty: Fionia)

榮獲Natural & Organic Asia

亞洲天然及有機博覽最佳天然 / 有機美容產品大獎

(Unique 有機香水Fionia童話世界)

Unique Beauty's products

can be found all over Europe



Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Holland,

Belgium, France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy,

Spain, Slovenia, Estonia, Lithuania,

Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau





They are selling in 銷售點包括: 

Department Stores 百貨公司

Beauty salons  美容院及髮型屋

Health and Lifestyle Store 健康生活概念店

OnlinePlatforms 網上銷售平台